Municipal Code – Chapter 21 – Sec. 21.05. – Oak Street restriction.

(a) Unlawful to fish, wade or swim. It shall be unlawful to fish, wade, or swim from, on, or along Oak Street between Chicago Avenue and Woodland Drive within the City of Pewaukee unless such activity is conducted on private property in the vicinity of said location and the city clerk has received notification from the owner of said private property that such activity may be conducted and that such activity is allowed under the Code and Ordinances of the City of Pewaukee.

(b) Signage. The mayor shall direct that an appropriate sign(s) which stipulates the content of the warning, the municipal code number, and that there is a penalty for violation of the Code, be prepared, erected and maintained at the locations as set forth in subsection (a) above.

(Ord. No. 2010-09, § 1, 4-7-2010)