by Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District | Sep 4, 2013 | Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, Natural Resource Funds, Prairie, Watershed, Wetlands
Developer’s fees are the primary revenue source for the funding of the wetland fund. With the lack of development the wetland fund and water resource fund is in need of charitable donations. As you review your charitable donations for the year, please consider these...
by Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District | Sep 4, 2013 | Aquatic Plants, Lake Operations, Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, Shoreline
The lake crews are in full swing for the 2012 season and the aquatic plants started growing heavy as early as April this year. A light winter and lack of snow cover and thin ice kept the aquatic plants healthy and less stressed out. The non-native Eurasian milfoil was...
by Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District | Sep 4, 2013 | Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District
With spring cleaning coming up the phone begins to ring at our office for information on garbage pickup. As reported in the past, we don’t do garbage, but we know who does. The contractor for all three of our lake communities is Advanced Disposal (formerly Veolia...
by Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District | Sep 4, 2013 | Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, Sewer
These rags SHOULD NOT be flushed down the toilet. These cleaning rags clog the pumps and set off alarms at all hours of the night. The LPSD staff is required to respond immediately. This involves getting up in the middle of the night, run to the office, get the truck...
by Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District | Sep 4, 2013 | Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, Prairie
Prairies play an important role in our lake and watersheds. Prairie plants have very long deep root systems that thrive on nutrients and heavy metals. By restoring the prairies which once surrounded this lake area we are restoring nature’s water cleaning system. The...
by Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District | Sep 4, 2013 | Fish, Lake Operations, Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, Shoreline
Municipal Code – Chapter 21 – Sec. 21.01. – Summer regulations. (a) Intent. The intent of this chapter is to provide safe and healthful conditions for the enjoyment of aquatic recreation consistent with public rights and interest and the capability of the water...